Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Building from source

We had to build two packages from GNU list of Packages from source.
The difference between building from a source and straight up installing the program is that, we do not download a package when we are building from source, however, we download the actual code of the program and make our way from there. This is a typical procedure that we follow when we are building program from source

1) Issue command "./configre" or "sh ./configure" in the directory that we downloaded the source code. This script creates a "make" file according to the settings of our computer. If we are missing development tools, the configure script will give an error here.

2) If everything goes well then ./configure creates a make file which we would use to actually build the program on our computer in a script form.
      What do I mean by script form?
      "make" does not install the program on our computer, it just builds it on the
       the directory we want it to build on. Therefore we would have to give
       path to the executable file of the utility. For example
       If i used "make" on my current file and I want to run less, I would say
       ./less "filename"

"make install" would install the utility on your computer then you can just run the command from anywhere saying "less (filename)"

3) After the "make" command is executed without any errors, the program is build on the directory of you specified an option called "datadir". If not then they program/utility will be build on the current directory and can be run with this command "./utility options". If there are any libraries needed to build this specific program the error will show up here saying "so and so library missing the utility will installed without it" or sometimes, if the library is crucial then it would not install the utility without that library.

I chose to build "less" and "grep" since these are the packages I am familiar with and I thought it would be fairly easy to build.

Installing Less

I downloaded less from GNU project website and was redirected to download from a mirror in University of Waterloo.

I then unzipped the packed using "gunzip" utility and extracted it using "tar -xf" command.

After that I started to follow the steps that I outlined above.
I ran into an error called "Terminal Libraries broken". I realized that I did not install the development tools outlined by Chris in the lab instructions so I installed them using yum
yum groupinstall "development tools" "development libraries"

after that I just issued the "make" command and the utility was built without any issues.

Installing grep

I followed the same step what I did for less, except that this time I did not get the error that my Terminal library is broken. The ./configure command completed this time however it gave a warning.
"configure: WARNING: libpcre development library was not found or not usable."
"configure: WARNING: GNU grep will be built without pcre support."

I did not want to do an incomplete job, therefore, I just installed the prce-devel,i686 package using the yum utility
"yum install prce-devel.i686" and then executed the "make" command. Grep was installed.

Installing both utilities took me about 15 minutes.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Fedora18 Installation

I tried Installing Fedora 19 in the beginning. Installed it with GNOME desktop which was very choppy and it was lagging. I figured out that it needs a lot of resources and its not suitable to run as a Virtual Machine. I tried Installing it again with XFCE desktop considering the fact that XFCE takes less resources, however, the installation stuck on creating users. Therefore, I gave up Fedora19 and Installed Fedora18 x64 with XFCE desktop Instead.

I installed the OS on my Hard Drive as Virtual Machine, my host is Windows 7 and this is what I would be using for the rest of the semester.

I will be using the TEL building computers so here is the configuration

Processor: Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @2.83GHZ
Installed RAM: 4.00GB (I dedicated 1GB for the Fedora VM)
Hard Drive: 500GB(Dedicated 20 GB for the Virtual Machine)

I have access to my system's GUI or if i want I can access it through SSH but i would have to plug in the hard drive and turn on my VM.

Friday, 13 September 2013

My First Blog

Hello my name is Mohammd Shaheer Mahmood and this is my first blog.

I am taking CTY-C(with Co-op) and am currently in my last semester hoping to graduate by the end of December.

I am also a Tutor in the learning center for the courses that I have previously taken.

My Seneca Wiki Page



Processor: i5 2550K
MotherBoard: P9P865
Ram: 16GB
Currently running Windows 8 (I must say I am not impressed by the operating system at all)
Graphic Card: GTX 680, primarily used for gaming, looking to buy another one so I can do SLI


I used mitbit to connect to the IRC server, I will be installing Xchat very soon. I did have a conversation with a real person. Attaching a Snippet

My learn ID is msmahmood, same as my IRC ID.

My opinion on Pidora Project

This is the beauty of open source that we can do such things like Pidora . I think it is an amazing project and it has given recognition the IT department of Seneca College. The only thing I came accross was that the word "Pidora" was offensive in Russian language which was apologized for. Some of the Russians find humor in that anyway.

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