Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Configuring and Deploying DNS servers (primary, secondary, root and cache on centos 6.5) - Part 2 - Secondary DNS

This walk-through assumes that you have initial deployment of Primary DNS server. Look at my previous post for that.

Configuration on Primary DNS server:

  • edit /etc/named.conf
add the allow transfer statement in your zone declaration(both forward and reverse)

 zone "msm.net" {
        type master;
        file "msm.net.db";
        allow-transfer {; };

zone "12.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "msm.net.rev.db";
        allow-transfer {; };

  •  Allow firewall to communicate on tcp/udp port 53
    • iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
    • iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
  • Restart the named deamon
    • service named restart

Configuration on Secondary DNS server:

Make sure you have internet access.
  • Install Bind packages
    • yum install bind bind-utils bind-chroot bind-libs
  • edit /etc/named.conf
 listen-on port 53 {; }; //Ip address of the machine
*Remove the allow-query line
*Optional: remove recursion statement and the "." zone to disable recursion and caching.

 zone "msm.net" { //your forward zone statement, same as primary
        type slave; //slave sets this server as slave
        file "msm.net.db"; //the file name that you created in primary
        masters {; }; //this is telling the server that this ip is my primary dns's ip
        allow-transfer { none; };

zone "12.168.192.in-addr.arpa" { //reverse lookup zone statement, same as primary
        type slave; //this sets this server as a slave of this reverse zone
        file "msm.net.rev.db";  //the file name that you created in primary for reverse  zone
        masters {; }; //primary server's ip address
        allow-transfer { none; };

  • Add exception in SELINUX
    •  setsebool -P named_write_master_zones 1
  • make name the owner of /var/named directory
    • chown named:named /var/named
  • Start the named daemon
    • service named start
  • Check logs if everything went well. It should say zone loaded and file transfered
    • tail -30 /var/log/messages
 named[21296]: transfer of 'msm.net/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 7 records, 206 bytes, 0.001 secs (206000 bytes/sec)

If everything went fine then you should see your zone files under /var/named automatically transferred by starting the named daemon, this transfer of file is called a zone transfer.

Prefer a video walk-through? have a look...

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